Personal Trainers


Hey my name is 玉米cKenzie. I am certified through NASM as a PT. I’m passionate about lifting and getting others excited about their own personal development. I believe being mentally tough is just as important as the physical side. My area of “expertise” is strength training, as I have been lifting for almost 3 years now. If you have a good attitude and are willing to put in the work, together we can reach your goals!



My name is 贾斯汀年代kinner I was born in Mount Laurel, New Jersey. Sports from a young age helped grow my interest in fitness, I always wanted to run, 跳, 踢, 扔, 等. at the highest level. This desire to compete at the highest level ended up with me choosing to go to NDSU to become a student athlete and join the cheer team here at NDSU. I received my personal trainer certification in high school at the Burlington County Institute of Technology, where I studied sports medicine for 4 years during which I learned how to tape, 包装, use therapeutic modalities, and how to personal train all ages and abilities! I obtained my certification as a personal trainer through the American 健身 Professionals Association or the AFPA in May of 2021. I enjoy lots of weight training with a side of cardio and you can frequently find me at the wellness center early in the morning whether it’s to train someone else or to keep challenging myself and chasing my own personal goals.My future goal is to get my degree in Criminal Justice and Political Science in order to give back to disadvantaged communities. My biggest passion is helping people and building them up so they can be who they want to be. Overall my goal is to make a difference in this world and change it for the better.


Hey, I’m 扎克年代chultz from Willmar, Minnesota. I’m currently a junior studying Exercise Science. Ever since I started going to the gym, I never stopped. That’s the goal for my clients as well. My specialties are strength and hypertrophy training, as that is what I do when I’m exercising on my own. So, whether your goal is to grow your biceps or get that bench up to 225, I’m the guy who’s going to get you there.


Hey, my name is 卢卡斯Downing, and I'm currently studying Mechanical Engineering. In the realm of bodybuilding and fitness, the pursuit of aesthetic perfection often clashes with the desire for health and longevity. My goal is to harmonize these objectives by promoting evidence-based practices that prioritize both muscle growth and long-term health. The foundation of my philosophy lies in evidence-based practices, which incorporate a blend of established training variations with new studies and evidence to refine traditional methods. My approach benefits not only bodybuilders but also aims to elevate the average person towards their fitness goals. Beyond muscle growth and aesthetics, exercise can enhance overall well-being, including cardiovascular health, joint integrity, 灵活性, and mental wellness. Ultimately, I believe that training should enhance the quality of life, not compromise it.
Kaytlin T.



